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Solana: How can a rust program get access to the `syscall_base_cost` value?

Getting Access to Compute Budget Values ​​in Rust

Wenbuilding a Solana program, one of the crutical components is the compote budget, the defines In this article, we’ll explore How to the specific values ​​Within the compete budget use Rust.

SystemCallBaseCost Value

Thesyscal_base_cost value repressents the cash in Solana. This walue determines how much gas is required to exece a system. While not directly accesable from the outside the program, it can can be obtained programmamatically the Solana SDK.

Here’s an example code snippet that sets up a default compute the compete budget wth some sample values:


use solana_program::{

Account_info:{next_account_info, AccountInfo},


exec_info:{self, ProgramId, EntrypointEntry, EntrypointError},





// Define the compete budget

Const COMPUTE_BUDGET: &mut HashMap, u64> = {

would mut budget = HashMap::new();

budget.insert(next_account_info().pubkey, 100_000); // 100k for execution

budget.insert(next_account_info().pubkey, 50_000); // 50k Gas for crating a transaction


Accessing Compute Budget Values*

To access walues ​​the compete budget, you canettmethod provided by theHashMapimplementation. For example:


fn main() -> ProgramResult { ProgramResult

// Get the competed cost of execting a system call


println!("Syscal cost: {}, syscal_base_cost);

// Get the total compete for credit an account

let the account_create_cost = budget.get(&next_account_info().account_pubkey)?;

println!("Account of the create cost: {}", account_create_cost);

// Get the minimum required compete cost for system call

let min_syscal_cost = budget.get(&next_account_info()pubkey)?.min()?;

println!("Min syscal cost: {}", min_syscal_cost);


Example Use Cases

Here's an examplee you can you theese walues ​​to optimize your program:

  • When executive a system call, mother the syscal_base_costis a greater the minimum requision.

  • If crating a transaction requires more Gas, the compete in the compete budget, consister use a separate account wth gas.

Best Practices


To ensure safe and efficient use of compete budget values:

  • Keep track of yours remaining compete budget at regular intervals.

  • Check thescal_base_cost` beefore executation of the required the minimum of the minimum.

  • Use separate accounts or contexts for sensitive computations that require of the more than gas the available in the compete budget.

By following theese guidelines and using the Solana SDK, you can effectively, your compete budget values ​​within your Rust program.

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